Upcoming Business Activities

Sunshine Lunar New Year Festival 2025

The Sunshine Lunar New Year Festival is an annual, free multicultural community event that attracts over 50,000+ visitors and takes place in the busy central Sunshine shopping precinct along Hampshire Road, Sunshine.

Staged and run by our Sunshine businesses, it celebrates the lunar calendar, a time of renewal and for friends and family to come together to celebrate the start of a new year, that brings our culturally diverse community together in a safe and fun environment. Planning for the 2026 LNY festival has started and will be posted here.

A Sunshine Wander 2024/25

The 2025 MFWF – Westside Wander in Sunshine is on the 26th and 27th March and is now sold out. This year it is a delicious walking tour beginning at M.B Lynch Memorial Gardens through Sunshine, is run by Brimbank City Council and supported by us. Richard Cornish is the culinary guide this year who will introduce guests to our wonderfull precinct, restaurants and food of Sunshine, calling at Chingu Korean BBQ, Afghan Shaheen Restaurant and Thai dessert café Homm Desserts. Each stop on this tour will be a tasty testament to the power of diversity, migration and hospitality.

Sunshine Business Awards 2024/25

Acknowledging and rewarding outstanding businesses within the busy hub of Sunshine CBD The Sunshine Business Awards acknowledge and reward outstanding businesses within the busy hub of Sunshine CBD. Proudly presented by the Sunshine Business Association, these bi-annual awards took place from the 1st June to 31st July 2024 with 15 lucky winners. These awards recognised the best of the…

Sunshine Street Market

The Sunshine Business Association (SBA) hosts a street market along Hampshire Road in the Sunshine Town Centre, which operates WEEKLY every Friday from 8am to 3pm, subject to weather. The street market provides an additional attraction to the Centre that compliments the existing business offerings and attracts new customers.


The Love Sunshine Shop Local campaign started on July 1st 2020 to support the businesses in Sunshine for recovery after Covid-19. It is to brighten up the streets of Sunshine shopping precinct and to remind the community to shop locally to keep our local shops! Window decals, street banners, bin wraps and real estate boards…


Sunshine Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival 2024

The Sunshine Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival is a free community event on Sunday 22nd September 2024, 1pm to 7pm at RT Pollard Gardens Sunshine.

Presented by the Vietnamese Museum Australia, this event will feature a lantern parade with free lanterns for children, traditional Vietnamese and multicultural performances, lion dancing, delicious food, and fun activities for children and adults alike.

Sunshine Lunar New Year Festival 2024

The Sunshine Lunar New Year Festival is a free multicultural community event taking place in the busy Sunshine shopping precinct along Hampshire Road, Sunshine on Sunday, 28th January 2024, 12pm to 10pm.

Celebrating the lunar calendar, a time of renewal and for friends and family to come together to celebrate the start of a new year, that will bring our culturally diverse community together in a safe and fun environment.

Sunshine Halloween Street Party 2023

The Sunshine Halloween Street Party was on Tuesday 31st October from 4pm to 7pm. Hampshire Rd came alive with roaming ghouls, scary characters, trick or treating and decorated orange Halloween Dens for kids to have their face-painted and grab some treats. We invite all the kids of Sunshine plus mums and dads to get dressed up in their scariest outfits and join in the fun of the Sunshine Halloween Street Party. Presented by the Sunshine Business Association, supported by Brimbank City Council, Victorian State Government and Sunshine businesses.

Sustainability in Sunshine

“By 2025 or earlier, all Australian packaging in Australia will be reusable, combustible, or recyclable” said Josh Frydenberg – Federal Environment Minister. 28 April 2018 The Sunshine Businesses Association (SBA) plans to be the first Victorian shopping precinct to go SUSTAINABLE!  Our customers want us to be more environmentally conscious and we want more customers.  We are…

Christmas in Sunshine

Christmas in Sunshine for 2021, 2022 and 2023 saw festive artwork designed by artist Jessica Jane who kindly allowed us to print her gorgeous drawings and install flags, bin wraps and window decals in our Sunshine town centre. This was a 3-year arrangement that was enjoyed by the community and businesses in Sunshine.

Sunshine Short Film Festival

Established by the Sunshine Business Association in 2012, the Sunshine Short Film festival grew from a local festival to one with a national and international reputation attracting entries and attention from around the world. The Sunshine Short Film Festival competition was the only community based film festival in the west and is now resting…

Shop in Sunshine & Win a Car Competition

Starting Monday 1st February, closes 10am Thursday 25th February 2021. The Sunshine Business Association (SBA) launched the SHOP IN SUNSHINE & WIN A CAR COMPETITION as part of the SHOP LOCAL campaign to bring more customers to Sunshine, to experience our multicultural shopping precinct and enjoy the uniqueness of our fabulous shops and restaurants. This…

Fully-Vaxxed in Sunshine

Monday 4th October till Sunday 28th November 2021. Another GREAT reason to get vaccinated in Sunshine now. Sunshine Business Association is giving away $4,000 worth of shopping vouchers over 8 weeks in October and November, to help Sunshine and our businesses open again. The Sunshine Business Association wants to reward our customers that are fully…